Write for Us

Are you a pet expert and want to share your knowledge with the world? We are always looking to grow our team of Dog Nerds.

Article contributions* are a great way to share your expertise with our highly engaged readers. All of our authors are vetted and their posts go through extensive review, and we only publish content that promotes our shared mission of Pet Empowerment.

Published authors will receive recognition on our About Us Page and will get a link in their bio to promote their own products/services.

*DogNerdly does not accept guest posts from marketing companies or businesses just looking to earn backlinks. All content is produced by pet professionals and enthusiasts.  

Submit Your Request

Step 1 of 2
This website will be linked to in your Author Bio, in addition to a website linked organically in your post.
Including this increases your chances of being accepted.
Please keep it below 300 characters and include specifics about your pet expertise and qualifications.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Readers want to put a face to the content so include your best headshot or image of you and your dog.
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